Bullies Call Her a Bat : No one believes this little girl exists

We know many people with disabilities but this child has a unique disability that people often call bat because of the thick elastic muscles on both sides of her neck

she is the only one in her family of eight children with this condition, all her siblings were born without any disabilities in school

she is like a normal child and concentrates in class and at home, she plays with other children, however her disability makes her life difficult because many people in the community

treat her badly but worst of all she often feels extreme pain because of these scary muscles on her neck, how could this child be born with such a rare condition when all her siblings were born normal, how does this child live

with these strange things when I found out about this child I made a long journey to GMA DRC where this child was born because my heart felt that maybe this child has a special problem and I

was right here, her parents were ready to share their daughter’s story with us, my name is Ki Juka, we live here, Nongo District, South Kevu Province in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, I

have eight children, one of them is Deell, my fifth child is disabled my name is Cecil and I am the mother of this child this child is the child ofmy fifth pregnancy, my other children were born healthy without

disabilities but this one was different, I really don’t know why this child was born differently while I was pregnant with the baby, everything seemed fine

I didn’t have any major problems or illnesses, I continued my daily activities as usual, then when the time came and I started to feel

labor pains, the pains that signal the baby is about to be born, we didn’t waste any time and go straight to
my wife went to the hospital called Koko to give birth right after she gave birth

when we gave birth we found out that our baby was disabled which scared us a lot, the hospital then sent us to another hospital because our baby was having trouble breathing there, the baby was put on a machine to support his breathing for 10 days, we were afraid that the baby might not survive

but fortunately we were finally allowed to go home, no one explained to us why our baby was born with a disability

this was a really big shock to us as all our other children were born healthy, the doctor told me to be strong and patiently explained that these things can

happen his words helped me feel a little stronger at first our other children were very sad about the situation but they soon accepted their new

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