The mother placed the baby on top of the dying child and five minutes later, a true miracle happened.

It is often said that there is an invisible connection between twins, which science has not yet explained. At the same time, some experts say that it is just fiction. But the story that happened in 2018 is the clearest proof that miracles can happen.

Today, I would like to introduce you to the lovely children, Dylan and Daniel, and their story. When Hannah and her husband found out that they were going to have twins, of course, their happiness knew no bounds.

They prepared for the birth of the children and waited for the children to come at the right time. But unfortunately, fate had other plans for them. Although Hannah’s pregnancy was going well, one day in October, the 28-year-old woman went into labor.

Of course, the mother was very scared, because it was too early to see her children – she was only 25 weeks pregnant. But her husband wasted no time in rushing her to the hospital. The nurses tried for two days to stop the contractions, but all their efforts were unsuccessful.

Soon, the doctors said they had to prepare the girl for surgery.

Hannah’s husband was always at the hospital to support his wife, and soon the babies were born. Dylan weighed 900 grams, but Daniel only weighed 700 grams. The doctors kept telling us not to be discouraged and to believe in our children, and we told them how much we loved them. While Dylan gained weight quickly and was expected to make a full recovery in just a month, Daniel was so small and weak that the doctors didn’t give him a chance. Dylan was soon discharged and sent home.

But his younger brother Daniel was in the intensive care unit for two months, and despite being in the hospital for so long, he still couldn’t breathe on his own. The chances of the baby not surviving were high. But the family pushed the bad thoughts away, and although Hannah and her husband had three other children besides the twins, and the house was 60 km from the hospital, Hannah was close to their baby in the neonatal unit almost twenty-four hours a day.

The parents didn’t even give up. But one day, the doctors extinguished all hope. I remember going to the hospital as usual, but the nursing staff acted a little strange, at least to me at that time. I was asked to see the head doctor, and when I entered the examination room and heard his words, I almost fainted, Hannah recalled. The doctor whispered to the parents to say goodbye to Daniel because there was no improvement.

There was a very high chance that the boy might not survive. The parents were devastated. But what else could they do?

The very next day, they brought the older Dylan to say goodbye to his little brother – he was put in the incubator with Daniel to be with him one last time, at least that’s what everyone thought. But no one here could have imagined what would happen in the next second.

Older brother Dylan turned to his dying twin and wrapped his little arms around him. The hug lasted about five minutes, but it turned out that was enough time to affect little Daniel’s condition.

Hard to believe, but that same day, the baby’s condition in the incubator suddenly improved. In just a few hours, the doctors switched him from 100% forced oxygen to 50%, and that gave his parents a little hope.

But the joy didn’t last long. The next day, they received a call from the hospital saying that the baby’s condition had worsened again. But this time, the parents knew what to do. Her husband picked up Dylan and went to the hospital again.

The older twin was placed with his younger brother and the same thing happened. The baby got better again. Of course, no one can be sure that Dylan helped his younger brother, but no one can rule out the fact that the baby got better thanks to his brother’s hug.

As the doctors themselves said, they did not expect the boy to recover and called this incident a miracle. After only 5 days of such intervention, Daniel was completely removed from the ventilator and could breathe perfectly on his own.

Soon, this closeness to his twin helped the boy to recover completely and a few weeks later, he was able to go home. And in October 2019, the twins celebrated their first birthday. The older twin was placed next to his brother and the same thing happened. The baby got better.

Of course, no one can say for sure that it was Dylan who helped his brother, but no one can rule out the possibility that the baby got well thanks to his brother’s arms. As the doctors themselves said, they did not expect the boy to recover and called this incident a miracle.

After only 5 days of such intervention, Daniel was completely free of the ventilator and could breathe perfectly on his own. Soon, this closeness to his twin brother helped the boy to recover completely and to breathe perfectly on his own.

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