A Little Charmer! This Is What A Baby Born With A Heart On Its Forehead Looks Like Today

Remember when a newborn caught the world’s attention in 2017 because of his birthmark? Little Çinar was born with a heart-shaped birthmark on his forehead and instantly became one of the most wanted and loved children in the world.

When they first saw their newborn baby Inar, Turkish parents Murat and Ceyda Engin were unable to believe what they were seeing. From the first minute, they were smitten by Inar’s unusual birthmark. The tiny infant has quickly gained attention, and now everyone wants to hold it or take a photo with it because of its heart-shaped birthmark. The boy is a true celebrity on the Internet, where the majority of commenters adore his unique birthmark. However, some commenters also try to reassure and uplift his parents because they are unaware that they find the boy’s birthmark to be remarkable. My child is one. true blessing.

“This will fade over time, so don’t worry, my son had the same mark on his chest and now, 18 years later, it’s gone,” she wrote. Çinar continues to bring smiles to everyone’s faces. “Wonderful kid! I’m in the hospital with my dad and he lifts my heart,” one user wrote after seeing the boy’s photos.

The majority of the answers, thankfully, convey a message that is similarly encouraging. Parents constantly teach their kids to embrace and love themselves. Inar is six years old today and is joyful, active, and laughing. Doctors are hopeful that by the time the youngster is eight, the scar that made him famous will be gone.

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