Draco” Also Known As Flying Dragons Exist And They Are A Real Wonder of Nature

Dragons have been the stuff of legends and myths for centuries, captivating the imaginations of people across the world. While these magical creatures may not exist in reality, there is a species of lizard that comes remarkably close to resembling them in appearance and behavior. Meet the flying dragons, also known as Draco, which are a real wonder of nature.

Found in the tropical forests of South East Asia, flying dragons belong to the Agamidae family of lizards. These tiny creatures measure only 8 to 10 inches in length, but they are capable of gliding from tree to tree, covering distances of up to 60 meters while losing only 10 meters in altitude.

This remarkable feat is made possible by the membranes on the sides of their trunks, which act as wings and allow them to glide through the air.

Despite their small size, flying dragons are capable of surviving in the wild on a diet that mainly consists of insects, such as tree ants.
They usually don’t come down from the tress, unless it is the reproduction season. The male uses the membranes to attract the females and thus begins the mating process.

After copulation the female lays eggs. It makes a small hole in the ground and lays about 4-5 eggs, covers them with soil and leaves. The female only stays with the eggs for 24 hours. After that she abandons them and climbs back to the tree.

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