Incredible Moment A Florida Woman Gives Birth To A Healthy Baby Girl In Parking Lot Of Medical Center

An incredible video shows the moment a Florida woman gave birth to a baby in the parking lot of a medical center as a midwife quickly grabbed the little girl from falling to the ground.

Susan Anderson was in labor and rushing into Natural Birth Works in Coral Springs on June 19 when baby Julia decided she just couldn’t wait.

Surveillance footage from Ring shows Anderson’s husband Joseph and two police officers watching as the newborn slipped through one of the legs in her mom’s shorts and was deftly caught by midwife Sandra Lovaina.‘I didn’t think I wouldn’t make it into the building.’

Anderson, who also gave birth to her first daughter at the center, had planned a water birth and was hurrying to try and reach the pool.

‘By the time we got to the first step the head was coming,’ she said.‘That was my focus, just getting inside to the birthing tub, but she had other ideas.’

The video shows Anderson bent over with her husband by her side and Lovaina kneeling behind her.Two police officers approach after hearing the commotion while they were in the area.

‘It’s okay, it’s okay, I’m a midwife, she’s going to have a baby,’ Lovaina called out to the cops laughing.

Anderson then gives a scream and Lovaina grabs little Julia as the bemused officers look on.

The baby is quickly placed into her mother’s arms as she begins to cry and Anderson finally gets to make her way into the center.

‘Not in the parking lot. Babies sometimes come really quick. You just gotta be, you gotta be quick. Put your gloves on, just go,’ she said.

Owner of Natural Birth Works Gelena Hinkley, who is also a midwife, said that it was a very memorable birth.

‘She had been our client before. We’ve done her other delivery, and round two was just a lot faster,’ she said.

The medical center shared the video to Facebook saying it was ‘one we won’t forget!’

‘Mom & baby are doing amazing and we can all laugh at how awesome this birth was. Especially because the cops looked pretty shell shocked,’ they wrote in the post.

‘Multitasking by catching a baby and letting them know we were all good was quite the experience! One of the most exciting births of 2020’.

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